Who is Libby?

When a baby comes into your family, you assume that they will be yours forever, that they will outlive you, their parents. But my, that is not always the case, is it, friends? Even though we only had 629 days with Libby as our little girl, there are so many memories with which I could fill pages. A dear friend put together the video above and it does such a beautiful job of representing the short but big life of our little Libby Lou. Her story did not end on June 28, 2015, that's just the day that she became perfect and God started using her as part of larger plan. Libby is having a a great big impact here on Earth, even while she resides in Heaven!

Libby Armida Kosterlitzky was born on October 4, 2013. Her exuberant siblings were Max, 8, and Kaia, 6. Oh, how she was delighted over and loved! Because that love was so physical, she learned early on how to defend herself and was never timid in doing so. Even while being the baby in the house, she didn't just sit around and let others do everything for her. She was very independent and focused on what she wanted to do and would beckon us with her little hand to come and do her bidding. She was always exploring and climbing on everything. For the last ten months of her life every chair in our house had to be kept lying down, to keep her from her monkey ways. She loved her routines and made sure we never skipped a bedtime snuggle or a mealtime prayer, sitting in her high chair folding her little fingers and reminding us loudly to say our dinner blessing. She loved everything water, from bathtime, to the pool, to the ocean. She even loved ice, always asking for it with a lovely Southern drawl. But most of all, she loved her family. The constant refrain around our house, especially when the kids were at school, was "Mas! Aia!" for her brother and sister. And how happy she would be when they were home to play with! She also loved to stand on her chair at the front window, seeing what was going on in the neighborhood. And when her grandma's car pulled up? Oh my! Shouts of "Oma! Oma!" as she scooted her little self off the chair and ran for the door, ready to have Oma take her bye-bye on an adventure. She loved to sit on her daddy's lap in the backyard as they watched the birds that would come to the feeder. Before long though, she'd be up, beckoning Daddy to give her a push on the swing.