Sunday, January 31, 2016

Hidden in a Night Sky

Facebook post, January 23, 2016

Do you see anything in this night sky?

This is an older page. I did all the purple and gold back in early December as part of an advent journaling devotional. But I never got to the stars or lettering. They take a long time, I didn't have a good white pen, and it just got busy as that time of year always does. Lots of excuses.
Fast forward to Dec 30. Our CA family is in Va visiting my family there. I'm out to lunch with two sweet friends. Gretchen, my good buddy from high school, with whom I have all sorts of fun memories, and Lyn, who I also went to high school with... and don't remember at all. (It's not her, it's me. Looking back there's probably a lot I missed just being wrapped up in my own insecurities. Pretty sad.) But Lyn friended me after Libby died and was very sweet. Unfortunately, a month later Lyn would have to go through something all too familiar when her daughter Lindsey was stillborn. And I think that's why God had our paths cross again 20 years after high school. We connected over our loss, faith, and bible journaling. And that's what brought the three of us to a lunch table at a Mexican restaurant in northern Virginia. The conversation was real, as the three of us discussed our challenges, concerns, and joys. It was a blessing to have that time and when I got home I was eager to do something in my bible. I'd gotten a new white pen, I had the time, and I thought this verse from Genesis was fitting in honor of Lyn and the time spent with my friends. I got the words down, reflecting and praying on them as I went, dotted a bunch of stars all over the place, and was done. I sent this photo off to Gretchen and Lyn saying thanks for the time spent together. Lyn writes back immediately, asking how I did the child's face in the sky. What?? My mom and I look at my bible and there is clearly no face. Gretchen texts, she sees the face too. I go back to the photo. And there it is. A sweet little face with sleepy eyes and a smile. My mom and I are both stunned. If I had tried to do something like that on purpose, it would've looked ridiculous. But my random paint and scribblings, and the light from the camera revealed what was underneath. And once again, God was showing up in the details. A little reminder that our girls are in heaven and happy. A reaffirmation that there will be offspring and generations to come. Whatever the interpretation, it felt to all of us that this was just such a gift of love from God to us, His children. 

What amazed me also is how He used my imperfections for His glory. If I had finished this page when I started it, I never would've shared it with Gretchen and Lyn and none of this would have unfolded. I had been down on myself for what I had not done, but God is gracious and He just blessed the time He and I had spent together, orchestrating everything in His perfect time. I had done hardly any bible journaling in the past few weeks and what a loving reminder this was, of how that time with Him can be blessed. heart emoticon


  1. oh my Erika-- this is an awesome story-- I saw the little face before I read your post---- God- held and God-inspired- thank you.... how wonderful when we don't need the answers for how these things happen- we just embrace them....

  2. yes, it's just such a gift what He does for us, the little things He does to continue to give us hope and remind us how he cares about the littlest things. I often remind myself that He owes us nothing, He's already done so very much, all this is just lots and lots of icing on the cake! :)

  3. I see it too. I'm so glad it was there for you - just think of all the little things in store for you along the way that God has laid out to remind you of His love, and the mysteries of this life that we can't even begin to fathom.

    For you, I prayer you have peace, patience, hope and the joy that comes from the knowledge that God doesn't make us go through this life only to leave us with nothing when it's done. This is all the proof I need that those we love and miss so much and dream about are still there. I believe they are living a life of perfect peace and contentment...a place where time doesn't go too fast or too slow for them, there is no impatience, or sadness that we're separated, but rather - they spend their 'time' existing as we were created to exist someday. And when we pass onto the other side ourselves and see them again - in fact, see each and every person we've ever missed or even forgotten we've missed, or never even met (like great-grandparents) they will hold out their arms to us and say 'There you are'. And in that moment, every intervening year that has added to a lifetime of waiting, will be like nothing more than a single second upon waking from a dream. Nothing will ever come between them and us again. There will never be anything ahead of us to 'get through'. No sadness, anxiety, grief, guilt, fear or pain. All that will have passed away.

    I am doing my best in life, but also living for that day. Because I truly believe that this is 'heaven'.


  4. Thank you so much for this, Donna. Beautiful words of what we have to look forward to. I like the idea that this "lifetime of waiting, will be like nothing more than a single second upon waking from a dream." :)
