Friday, October 30, 2015

The Ache of the Details

Even with Halloween upon us, it's the images from this little Easter video that have been sneaking into my brain and breaking my heart this week. Her precious little pigtails. The little arm squeeze thing she does out of excitement. That beautiful, beautiful smile. 

It's so much easier to keep her general. I can do that and it doesn't hurt too bad. Or at least not as bad as it should. It's all those details, all those little things that made her so real, so ours; that's what makes me crumble.


  1. Erika - I just found your blog and want you to know how sorry I am for Libby's home going. Your faith is a beautiful picture and aroma of Christ at work inside someone - even when they are experiencing such difficult pain. I have read all of your posts and see such a real acknowledgement of the grief and pain that nobody can really understand unless they've walked it before ( and even then it's different for everyone ) and yet at the same time a comfort and peace. A holy resolve and strength. I have never heard of Bible journaling before and yet it's what I do in my own Bible but not as extreme or beautiful. I really want to know more - like where you got your Bible and how the pen ink doesn't bleed through??? Thick pages maybe? It looks like you're new to blogging - don't give up on it because it might help you process and discover things as you grieve, take a step forward and move a step back. If only life could be linear but it's so not. It's okay to blog about the days you want to throw something across the room and scream and yell. That will not make us view your faith as weak or God is weak. I love to see faith filled followers blog because we need to see what it looks like to have faith in the hard and unwanted times. I am praying for your family this Thanksgiving and Christmas season. May God continue to pour out his love, grace and strength over you.

  2. Hi Melody, thank you for your comment! Yes, new to blogging. :) It feels overwhelming to me often. And i'm awful at tech stuff. It took me all afternoon just to figure out how to reply to your comment. :)
    You would love Bible journaling I bet! For starters, follow Journaling Bible Community on FB. Such a good group, kind, inspirational, knowledgeable. I use an esv journaling bible by crossway. Do a search for journaling bibles and you should find a number of things that vary mostly by their covers. Some good new bibles coming out in the new year as well. There are lots of tricks for getting things to not bleed through, etc. (the pages are not thick, but don't let that be a concern.) Start with a black non-bleed pen. I like sharpie's. Use that and some colored pencils and you're off to a great start! :) There are lots of other supplies you can use as well, but start simple. It's fun to raid our kids' craft supplies and our (old?) scrapbook supplies. I just posted a new blog that talks more about this. sort of. and i think there will be some more grief/heartache coming as well. such a process...

    1. one more note on the bibles: you can use any type of Bible to journal in! Lots of tricks for working with that as well! My kids both journal in regular bibles that I picked up at the thrift store.

  3. Erika.....would you believe that I am now totally into Bible Journaling! All because of you and your blog. I bought an esv journaling bible (hardback cheaper one) and quite a bit of supplies. I found out today that LifeWay is offering a bible journaling class in January. I'm going to attend. I will check out the fb page you mentioned as well. It's overwhelming but I am really excited about it. Praying for your family today. Appreciate your openness in your posts.
